Salesforce Workflow for Professional Edition on up

Salesforce Workflow for Professional Edition

Our app now allows all Salesforce editions, including Professional, to create workflow rules for Contacts, Leads, Accounts, Opportunities and Opportunity Products.  Within Salesforce workflow for Professional Edition is the missing piece of the puzzle.  Easily trigger email alerts, assign tasks and update fields.  In addition, we’ve included a few custom fields which are useful for Professional, Enterprise and Unlimited organizations.  Salesforce workflow automation is key for efficiency and now you can have the ability to create unlimited workflow rules in Professional Edition orgs. These custom fields were designed to further help administrators create a task driven workflow.  Each field is available on every Contact, Lead, Account and Opportunity record.  These fields include;

  • All Completed Tasks – This field contains the subject of all tasks that have been completed.  This gives you the ability to trigger workflow actions when a specific task or combination of tasks has been completed.
  • Recently Modified Task – This field contains the subject and status of the most recently modified task.  This allows you to trigger workflow actions when a specific task reaches a specific status.
  • Last Completed Task – This field contains the subject of the most recently completed task.  This allows you to trigger workflow actions what a specific task has been completed.

While our software is geared toward adding Salesforce workflow for Professional Edition organizations, many Enterprise Edition users are taking advantage of these custom fields to enhance their task driven workflow.